June 24, 2024

Any tips to get people really engaged from the get-go? Should there be a warm-up period?

Any tips to get people really engaged from the get-go? Should there be a warm-up period?

Is there any tips that you can get people really engaged from the get-go? Like I was thinking about starting to bring people in a week or two weeks prior to my challenge to kind of just warm them up. Cause this last time Facebook ads got hung up and...

Is there any tips that you can get people really engaged from the get-go?

Like I was thinking about starting to bring people in a week or two weeks prior to my challenge to kind of just warm them up. Cause this last time Facebook ads got hung up and basically that day, I did it the day before people got in. Facebook ads got approved. I had 400 people in the group and then I started the program. So I think there's maybe a warm up period?