So I made a bit of a rookie error here. I started running conversion ads last week, and we got pretty good results. We sold 21 orders overall, 20 purchases of the offer and then 1 purchase of the upsell product, which is a markdown subscription to our...
So I made a bit of a rookie error here. Um, so I started running conversion ads last week. Uh, we got pretty good results. We sold, um, 21 orders overall, uh, 20 purchases of the offer and then one purchase of the upsell product, which is a markdown subscription to our on demand training.
And so I went in, uh, earlier this week is about, well, that works. So I'll put more money behind it. And I wound up changing the conversion event and I didn't notice. And so I went and I was like, Oh, we've sold a lot less these last couple of days. What's that about? And then I realized I didn't. Um, so I'm just wondering, should I, should I turn the ad spend back down while it's burning or should I just write it out?
Have you, um, do that. We'll just duplicate the campaign and fix it. Yeah. Duplicate it. Set the proper conversion event, turn it on. Understand, you know, your first couple of days are going to be shitty or whatever, and then let it go. Because I do not subscribe to the pixel intelligence. I tested it. It's been a while or something gram and didn't get any, you know, better results than I did when doing it our way, which is messing with it and tweaking things and turn stuff on and off and all that.
In fact, I got worse results now. I didn't work less. So I didn't have to screw with it, but I'm okay with hitting click and getting more money as a result.