He's running some ads and he's not getting any sales. And to that I reply, welcome, sir, to the club. And so I don't really understand the question. It says is it only sales conversion that count? Or should I check for some other stats? I'm not...
Hendrick says that he's running some ads and he's not getting any sales. And to that I reply: welcome, sir, to the club. And so I don't really understand the question. It says is it only sales conversion that count? Or should I check for some other stats? I'm not getting sales as you can probably guess. Actually I do understand the question. What am I talking about? It's a perfectly normal question. So I think like in summary, what do I do? I'm running ads. I'm not getting sales. What do I do? And his question of, should I check for some other stats is very smart. So. Here's the diagnostic checklist to go through, I guess like you could call this what to do if the ads are not working. All right. So the first thing you want to do in your checklist is make sure that you've got enough traffic to draw conclusions. Okay. So if you've, you know, you've run an ad and you've got 70 visitors. To your site or something and nothing has happened yet. That's not enough data to draw any conclusion, even if you made like 10 sales, it doesn't mean, Oh my gosh, it's the end, honey. You know, go place an order for a Gulf stream. We're going to be rich. That's not enough data. So let's say, okay, you are getting. Plenty of traffic. And so you there's enough to disclose relevant data to support the theory that something is wrong. Second part of the checklist is to make sure that the objective of the campaign and this case I'm specifically talking about Facebook, make sure that the campaign objective is set to conversions. So a lot of times my work with folks. There'll be like, dude, I got, you know, 14,000 visitors and three people bought my $4 product what's wrong. And we go, and we look at the campaign and as they ended up setting up a campaign where the objective was just traffic and it wasn't conversions. Well, if you tell Facebook just to send you traffic, they're going to send you a totally different. Of person they're going to send people who historically click things, but not people who historically convert. So that's the second part on the checklist checklist. Number one, do I have enough data checklist? Number two is the ad objective set up correctly, right? So now let's assume those two things are okay. So now we have to start looking at the moving pieces of the campaign itself. And this is usually going to be a post quick experience that I'm talking about. So. If we were to use a classic internet funnel, for example, which is opt in. See a pitch gets emails driving back to the pitch. Let's say, that's the funnel, right? Well, now we can start diagnosing. Okay. Where's is the scope of law. And the first thing we want to look at is the yeah. Itself, is it getting clicks? Right? And so, and, and really it's is it getting clicks at an acceptable cost per click? So. Assuming you're not in some incredibly competitive market like mesothelioma or something like that. Um, you shouldn't be having an extremely high cost per click, generally speaking within the internet marketing market, which is very competitive. And, you know, I'm competing against some of the best in the world. I'll fluctuate from a dollar sometimes less up to maybe three or $4 per click. And these are on conversion based ads, not like traffic objectives or whatever, or video views or anything like that. So let's check that off the box, like, okay, well, yeah, you know, I'm getting this seems to be okay now if it doesn't seem okay, if you're paying a lot per click and nobody's clicking, it's going to be one or both of these factors. There are actually three, there are three things that can affect this thing. Number one is the audience. Right. So if I'm selling steak and I've targeted vegans and no one's clicking the ad. Um, and therefore, you know, every click that I get, it costs me $20. Cause so few people actually click it well, just because I targeted vegans to sell steak. Now I know that's an overly simplistic example, so, but you do gotta make sure that your targeting is not like totally. The second thing will be the image. So if you have something that's like you or whatever, you know, then maybe you want to change that. And the third thing is going to be the cost in the head. It's rarely going to be just the ad, right. It's still worth checking. So now we move on to the next phase of the campaign itself, the post-click experience. So again, let's assume that the funnel is opt in, see a pitch, get some emails that drive people back to the pitch. Right? So the first thing you look at is, okay, they're clicking ads working, uh, are they obligated? And so if they're not opting in and it doesn't mean everything's broken, it means you change the optin page of let's say they are. Okay. Cool. Well, they're opting in. So do most people who opt in to something immediately make the purchase for the pitch they see after opting in? No. All right. So if they are amazing, if they're not, probably not that big of a deal, that's why we follow up with them with emails. So the first thing on your checklist is do you have an aggressive email sequence to get them to go back and buy? And so if yes, now we look to see, are they doing two things? Are they opening the email? If they're not opening the email, they can't read and they can't click. So what do you got to do? Change the dang subject line. Right? Leave everything else alone and let the thing run and see what happens there. They're opening and not clicking just the body copy. And then finally, if they're opening and they're clicking and they're going to the sales page and they're still not, bye it's probably the sales page. And so that's all the stuff that you look at. Right? And so when you, when that works to tell you otherwise like, Oh, here's a blanket solution for this problem. Is either brilliant and has figured out what none of us, no one else can or does is oversimplifying it because they either don't know what they're talking about or they just want you to give them some money or a combination of the two.