How do you inspire yourself to create content?
Dude. It's fun.
So, um, this is like this debauchery and food. And, you know, inappropriate things to talk about on a live stream that all other dudes think about it. This is the only thing that I ever think about ever. Right. So I'm thinking about business. I'm thinking about partying, um, Thinking about, you know, other stuff that all dudes think about and food four things, that's it really limited stuff going on up here.
So I don't have to get inspired to create content because I'm always thinking about stuff. And, um, I'm always working, you know, the trick to getting good at this is to do this stuff all the freaking time. And then you get pretty good at it. You know, and to think the long game, like that's the deal think long, you think long, you think strong.
And so it's never, it's never a. The question of getting inspired to create content. It's, you know, I like it. It's all I do. It's my life. So, um, I wish I had like, cause I think really what that question actually means is dude, I'm having a hard time creating content. What should I do? And, um, I don't know, you know, it might be, you're either afraid of judgment, which I just don't care.
Um, you know, I've already had people say horrible things about me and stuff, so I've gone through all of that and it wasn't so bad, you know? So some things that'll stop you as the fear of judgment or whatever, and you're just going to have to get judged and realize that you didn't die from it in order to get over that fear.
Um, another thing that'll stop you is perfectionism. You know, and so you'll just have to pay the price of perfectionism for a while until you're like, all right, screw this, man. I'm just turning the damn thing on, you know, then you'll, you won't have the problem anymore. Um, or you could just make the decision to just make content now.
And that would be very, very good.