Dec. 23, 2020

The Best Productivity System Ever

The Best Productivity System Ever

I guess it all stems from the feeling that so many of us have, sometimes myself included, that we're just not doing enough. I'm hoping I can be of service to you today and help you with that and help you not experience that. I've been doing all this...


What's happening? Hope you're doing well. Um, recording this for you today's episode, by the way is about productivity, but a different approach than what you might be used to anyway, recording this for you in a, in my new office, which is a fancy way of saying the pool house. From the new home that we have moved into here in California.
I got to tell you, man, I'm I'm by this little fireplace in here, really enjoying this house more than any home I've ever for lived in. I think it's interesting because it's not as opulate and palatial as some of the other places we've had and a man, you know, Whatever, maybe opulent and palatial is not what it's all stacked up to be.
Um, so really nice, nice little vibe we got going here. I hope, I hope wherever you are spend your time is a place that you enjoy a lot because our time certainly is limited and we should enjoy it. So let's talk about enjoying it and let's talk about our time, time for a minute. I think we all wish we could get more stuff done.
If only I could get more stuff done. I think the productivity market in general is a huge one. A friend of mine recently dabbled it with the idea of going into the planner's business. And, um, my gosh, what a huge market that is. I can't remember the dollar figure, but it's alarmingly high, the amount of money that humans.
Spend just on personal planners every year and by personal planners, I mean like books with paper in them that give you a new way to write down your list of stuff you got to do, which is hilarious to me really. I mean, there's a, you know, either way you cut the cake, it's a list of stuff you got to do, but there's just this a huge industry.
You know, all, all based on it, look it up sometime if you're, if you're so inclined. Um, and I guess it all stems from the feeling that it's so many of us have sometimes myself included that we're just not doing enough, you know? And, um, I'm hoping I can be of service to you today and help you with that and help you not experienced that.
Uh, I've been doing all this kind of entrepreneurial stuff. Um, online for 21 years now, I started in October of 1999. And, uh, I've gone through multiple, I guess. What would you call it? Methods of working multiple approaches to productivity. Um, I've gone, you know, I've tried. Hey man, let's just do some stuff.
And that worked pretty good. Really? And then I got caught up in that whole, Hey, you should hustle all the time and outwork everybody. I actually made a million dollars less. In the year that I did that, then the year that I didn't do it, um, I've tried various systems. You know, the stuff you can buy, um, like getting things done, which I found to be too complicated, but that's, that is by no means, meant to be a reflection of the getting things done system.
I think it's just that your boyfriend rank, um, Maybe partied a little too hard in the eighties and nineties and 2000. And therefore my seven remaining brain cells can't really figure out how to do the, getting things done system anyway, like tried all kinds of stuff. I think they're all pretty good. I'm going to share what works for me and the reason I'm going to share what works for me is because it is very simple and it works.
And. I think if it works for me, it'll work for anyone. And the reason I say that is because I literally have brain damage. Like I'm not even kidding. I had a SPECT scan done years ago and my brain is, um, Well, let's just beat up a little bit. Let's say that, like I can see, uh, on the spec scan, it shows where the blood flow is and your brain, and it's like an imaging of your brain.
And they're literally canyons in my brain from oxygen depth that are caused from, uh, from alcohol abuse and other extremely stupid things that. You know, I should've known better than doing so if this little approach works for me, I think it'll work for just about anybody. So here it is only do three things.
Or only prioritize three things. Let me put it that way. So we all have this idea, you know, Oh man, we should multitask, you know, and, and, and our to-do list should be 7 million miles long. And maybe you might have a to-do list of things that are 7 million, you know, item items that need to be accomplished.
But what I find works is at the end of every day, before going into the next day, I make a list. I use the notes app on my phone, use, whatever you want, you know, piece of paper who cares, but I make a list and it's literally called three big things. And then there's the date. And the idea is that if I just do those three things I have successfully completed the day and then everything else that I might do.
It's gravy. It's just like bonus accomplishments, but the three big things are the things that are like, okay, these, this is really a big deal. And if I accomplish these three big things, I'm going to be making great strides forward during the day. And I do this. Exclusively for business purposes. You know, I, this isn't like a life management thing.
This is only about running the business. So let's see, I'm recording this on my phone. See if I can pull up today's notes to give you an idea of what they are to put this into context for you and why. Okay, here we go. So this is three big things, December 11, right? That's when I'm recording this for you thing.
Number one, ad challenge, video pitch for upsell. That means is I need to shoot a video pitch for a one-click upsell that sells my five day ads challenge thing. Number two. Four course bundle video pitch. That means I need to record a pitch for a new offer. That's coming out. I'm very excited about it. I'm offering four complete marketing courses for $4.
All right. So there's that. And then there is offer swipes pitch offer. Swipes is another cool offer that I'm very excited to present to the market. So those are the three things, man. If I do those three things. And don't do anything else for the rest of the day. I have one, my guess is an incidentally. I D I have no experience of overwhelm going into the day right now.
Right. This is like, okay. I basically got to talk, you know, and come up with what to say and sound less dumb than usual. And I'll probably do all right. Nope. My assumption here is that if you look at. Your business. And then you reflect on what we talked about in our last conversation. If you listen to the yeah.
Episode about the three things you need to do every day to make more money, which is make offers, help your market and create assets, you'll realize that when you only focus on that, having to do those three primary activities, this idea of really only focusing on three major things that you actually do every day, like actual major tasks.
Makes perfect sense. It's kind of like 80, 20 living. It's like, all right. These three things are the most important three things that I could do. And these are the three things that are for today's activity going to produce the biggest results. Now, does that mean that I'm going to just do these three things and take the rest of the day off?
I don't know. Maybe I'm recording this to you on a Friday who knows? I didn't buy a case of this champagne called salon last week. It's really, really good. Champagne. Still have a couple bottles left that might not be the case by the end of the day. Um, but I'll tell you, I'm going to get those three things done.
And that's the most important in terms of the business, getting those three things done. So if you ever are experiencing overwhelm or if you're like, I don't know what to do, or if you like, you know, productivity stuff, but nothing's ever worked for you try the three big things method. It's free. It freaking works a big trick though.
It's doing right in your three big things list the day before. Um, that works very, very well. So I hope you find this helpful. It is in some ways, painfully obvious, but dude. People spend, I think it's like hundreds of millions of dollars. Literally like, look it up if you're bored on planners every year. So obviously there's an issue somewhere with people not knowing how to figure out how to get their act together in terms of personal productivity.
Um, I was one of them until I started practicing the three big things. And, uh, now not so much overwhelm, not so much stress, getting a lot of stuff done. Making a lot more money than I did when I was trying to hustle all the time, more time for screwing around pretty good combo. Pretty, pretty good. All right.
At six something in the morning, my kids are probably going to be up. I'm going to go hang out with them. See what they have to say. You guys take it easy.