Feb. 15, 2021

You do NOT need motivation (because this works better)

You do NOT need motivation (because this works better)

What's happening, hope you're well. So what we're going to talk about today is the one thing that beats motivation, hands down, every single time. Personally, love motivational stuff. Love it. Huge fan, like reading it, like listening to it. I don't...


What's happening and hope you're well. Okay. So what we're going to talk about today is the one thing that beats motivation, hands down, every single time, personally love motivational stuff. Love it. Huge fan, like reading it, like listening to it. I don't know who my favorite is, man. I guess I'd have to say like of all time favorite probably Jim Roan, you know, but to each their own.
Right? So this isn't a. Motivation doesn't work , episode here. I just think there's something better because I think that motivation is fleeting.  it has, it's something you have to  maintain constantly, and it is in many ways. Unnatural. And I don't mean that it's wrong. I just mean that like we were naturally motivated.
We wouldn't have to have motivational stuff, you know? So it's kind of like, well, maybe there's something that's a little stronger. And I think there is an, the only way I can describe this and I'm going to give it a title and then I want you to bear with me and not immediately reject it because of the title.
So I need to explain what it means. Okay. So the thing that beats motivation every single time, it makes motivation totally moment is faith driven purpose. Now that can turn people off because you might think I'm about to get all religious on you. I'm not. So what I mean by faith is your belief that the thing that you're doing will ultimately get you what you want.
That's what I mean by faith, right? So I, for example, have 100% faith in the idea that if I continuously deliver value to you and to make you offers in a way that like doesn't diminish any Goodwill, that you will become my customer. And I have faith that when you do become my customer, you will be a long-term customer.
Because I'll take good care of you. So that's what I mean by faith, like a fundamental trust in that process. All right. So that's the faith part. Oh, you can even call it confidence if you want.  But I'll call it faith because I think it's a little bit different. All right. So the second part of this. Is the purpose.
Okay. , and  all I can do to illustrate this is just tell you from my own experience. So again, I don't want to make this about me, but how else can I tell it to you? You know, so for me, the reason that I do this particular business that I'm in and enjoy it so much is because I'm driven by the purpose to help others.
Get out of a state of financial suffering and uncertainty. All right. And so that is very inspiring to me. Like that is my purpose. I know this. Okay. So for me, I can't wait to get up. And start the day and do that because I believe genuine, really believe that I am doing good. And I think our purpose is to do good to our fellow man and to society.
Right. And so when I combine this with the faith that, Hey, if I just keep delivering this Goodwill and making offers. If I take that faith that, Hey, all right. If I keep doing that, then the business is going to work out pretty good, barring you know, me doing stupid stuff or whatever. And I combine that with being driven by this purpose of, okay, I am here.
The reason I am doing this is to relieve financial suffering and uncertainty, and to help remove that from my fellow human beings, then I'm ready to go. I don't need to be motivated, you know, doesn't matter. It's easy to get up early. I woke up this morning at three o'clock and I went to bed last night at like 1145.
I didn't set the alarm for three. I just got up, laid there and was like, well, I won't get up. You know? I'm going to start the day. I'm kind of stoked. Let's go, I'm recording this for you on a Monday. And, , anyway, it's something to ponder, right? And, and the questions to ask yourself, or do you have clarity around, your faith in that what you're doing is right?
Like, are you a hundred percent certain. And the faith behind your daily activity. You know, like for me, I think you can probably hear it in my voice. I know without question, a hundred percent, if I deliver value to you and make offers in a way that doesn't diminish the Goodwill, that's established by delivering value that eventually you're going to become a customer.
I know this. Right. And so I have a hundred percent faith in that. Do you have a hundred percent faith in what you're doing? That's thing, number one. All right. Thing. Number two. Is, are you real clear on your purpose of why you're doing it? Not that what you want to get out of it, but like, what are you, do you feel like you're doing what you're supposed to be doing?
If the answer is both of those things is yes. Chances are. You already motivated, you don't need motivation, but if you're not a hundred percent clear on that stuff, and it's easy not to be, then, uh, might want to shift a little focus there and get clear on it because when you do, you're ready to go. So I hope that helps you and hope you have a great day.
And I sure do appreciate you listening. Take it easy.