
March 12, 2021

An Uncomfortable Confession - Frank Kern Greatest Hit

Hello everyone. Frank Kern here. I hope you're doing well. I'm recording this for you front of the fire once again, in my little office. It's about seven in the morning, beautiful morning here, and now to live up to …

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March 10, 2021

I want to have someone do a certain thing...what should the ad say? -…

Any advice about what ad to run, to have people apply to a webinar? Okay, so this question is, I'll rephrase it like this. I want to have someone do a certain thing. What should the ad say? Alright, that's …

Episode page
March 8, 2021

When you bringing back the sassy dazzle videos? - Frank Kern Greatest…

That question could be translated into "do fancy videos work better than non-fancy videos?" And you know, what? The non-fancy videos work better.

Episode page
March 5, 2021

If you were to go back to when you were 20, do you think you would st…

If you were to go back to when you were 20, do you think you would still choose the same lifestyle that you have now. And the answer is yeah, absolutely. I would have done a lot of stuff differently …

Episode page
March 3, 2021

What to do if your leads don’t convert - Frank Kern Greatest Hit

So this is someone saying, hey man, I'm getting leads, but they're not converting. All right, and so that's the statement. The actual statement is I could get leads with my clients, need help converting them. Uh dude, join the …

Episode page
March 1, 2021

If you lost everything today (contacts, cash, business, etc), what wi…

If you lost everything today (contacts, cash, business, etc), what will you do to rebuild back your income? Well, if I literally had absolutely no money at all, like not even enough to run ads, I would go door-to-door to …

Episode page
Feb. 26, 2021

Is the majority of your business still from selling info or consultin…

Is the majority of your business still from selling info or consulting? Which business model do you prefer? Right now, it's info. And there's a deliberate reason for that. There are two deliberate reasons for that. #1 - it's personal...

Episode page
Feb. 24, 2021

NEW: The Holy Grail Scenario - Frank Kern Greatest Hit

It's the question I've been getting a lot of lately, which is like a general question, which is what's the best way to do social media ads? The answer is, it depends. However, there is a Holy Trinity to shoot …

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Feb. 22, 2021

HOLD FAST – The Cure For Distraction

Today, I have 10 words for you that can polarize or they can unify. My hope is that they unify. Here they are. The words are...

Episode page
Feb. 19, 2021

They Asked Frank Kern To Keynote Funnel Hacker Live - Frank Kern Grea…

Alright. It's important that everybody fully understands the situation at hand. I'm going to talk about seven things on the intro net. I might talk about ways to increase sales in your business. I might slip up and say that …

Episode page
Feb. 17, 2021

The Magic Question That Makes Everything Easier

So today's episode is about one magic question that can change everything. I really crack myself up with these titles sometimes, but there's really some validity to the statement. I promise. So, I'll reveal the magic question in a minute. …

Episode page
Feb. 15, 2021

You do NOT need motivation (because this works better)

What's happening, hope you're well. So what we're going to talk about today is the one thing that beats motivation, hands down, every single time. Personally, love motivational stuff. Love it. Huge fan, like reading it, like listening to it. …

Episode page
Feb. 12, 2021

An IMPERFECT Morning Routine (works great)

Have you ever heard of that book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod? I listened to that a couple of years ago on audio book, and I can't remember exactly what it said, but I'm mentioning the book because probably some …

Episode page
Feb. 10, 2021

An unusual childhood experience (that might have made me millions)

I want to share an unusual belief that was, I'm going to put this in air quotes, forced on me growing up that forever changed my life for the better. I say forced on me, again in air quotes, because …

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Feb. 8, 2021

The Most Powerful “Persuasion Technique” On Earth

Let's talk about one of the most powerful, mass-influence methods ever. I wanted to say weapons, but that just sounds weird. I don't want to weaponize this kind of thing. You know, technique, strategy, tactic, how 'bout that? Anyway, before …

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Feb. 5, 2021

Forget “Money Goals” - try this instead

Let's talk about money goals. They say you're supposed to have 'em and they say you're supposed to set financial targets. I got to tell you, I'm not sure I agree. I mean, to some degree, obviously it's a pretty …

Episode page
Feb. 3, 2021

These two skills will get you farther than anything else

So what was I wanting to talk to y'all about? Last night I was briefly on Clubhouse again. I've got to tell you, you got to watch out for that thing. It is very addictive. I got on there, was …

Episode page
Feb. 1, 2021

You have WAY more value than you know

Let's get to work. OK, try to do these every day. Share some new insights. Some picking up along the way. Crazy thing happened on Clubhouse yesterday, which is increasingly addicting, by the way. Who knows what will happen with …

Episode page
Jan. 29, 2021

Avoid this ONE “mindset mistake” at ALL COSTS

What's happening y'all? This is an honest to God, real live actual planned podcast episode. So let's dig right on into it. I got a question, a good question, the other day. I forgot who asked me so I can't …

Episode page
Jan. 27, 2021

Is Clubhouse Worth Messing With? (yes, but NOT how you might think)

Hope everybody's well. Happy whatever today it is...Saturday. I want to answer a question that was on my mind. It's been on a lot of people's mind, what's the deal with this Clubhouse thing, is it worth messing with? There's …

Episode page
Jan. 25, 2021

Do NOT try to out-work me. (Out-smart me instead.)

Do not try to out-work me, out-smart me instead. Over the holiday, I got a message from someone very important to me, and they're going through a good rebirth of business. This individual is experiencing some focus issues and said …

Episode page
Jan. 22, 2021

I’m starting a TV show on vuvies.com and I wanna scale it online. Wha…

This is interesting. I'm starting a TV show on Vuvies and I want to scale it online. What's a few steps I can take to do that? I don't know, I don't know what Vuvies is. Now I'm feeling like …

Episode page
Jan. 20, 2021

The career executive coaching space is booming right now due to the g…

Hey Frank, the career executive coaching space is booming right now due to the global pandemic economic fall out. What would your very top strategy be to capture more engagements? So I have a framework for writing stuff to get …

Episode page
Jan. 18, 2021

How can I build clientele for my wife’s salon targeting a 50-mile rad…

How can I build clientele for my wife's salon targeting a 50-mile radius? Dude, this fits in perfectly with the earlier question of what would you do if you lost everything and only had $10K and had to start all …

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