
May 7, 2021

When creating Facebook video and image ads, should I create regular p…

Should you always create video and image ads as regular posts on your page and then when you create your ad, just select them as an existing post or are there certain times when you don't need to do that? …

Episode page
May 5, 2021

Do you recommend collecting lead forms directly from Facebook? How do…

I've got a client who is doing this is diabetes treatment that is unlike any other. It's been around for 20 years, but it hasn't been promoted very well. And, when you're promoting stuff on Facebook, especially in the medical …

Episode page
May 3, 2021

Do NOT try to out-work me. (Out-smart me instead.) - Frank Kern Great…

Do not try to out-work me, out-smart me instead. Over the holiday, I got a message from someone very important to me, and they're going through a good rebirth of business. This individual is experiencing some focus issues and said …

Episode page
April 30, 2021

If you were doing a State of the Union today, how would you structure…

If you were doing a State of the Union today with a topic like podcasting, or really any, any topic cuz I know so many of the people in this group, how would you structure it if you were looking …

Episode page
April 28, 2021

Do you have any tips on how I can engage a beta group that is testing…

I'm trying to find out if you have any tips on how I can engage this beta group and extract as much information as possible so I can really hone in on that viable, what that minimum viable product is. …

Episode page
April 26, 2021

What would you say to the individual that has all the content in the …

The hard part is the implementation aspect or the over analysis of like, oh God, I know I should do this. Should I change the color of the button purple and all this other stuff or, to some of these …

Episode page
April 23, 2021

Do you have tips/recommendations to optimize engagement and click-thr…

I'd really like to see what I can do to optimize engagement and click through rate on our current email newsletter. I'm seeing that our lead magnet, it has a great open rate. It's an 80% open rate, 60% click …

Episode page
April 21, 2021

Any advice on how to learn to put a good course together? - Frank Ker…

Any advice on how to learn to put a good course together? I finally feel like this is possible for me. I'm a legal recruiter and realize I have a ton of advice that will be helpful to young, new …

Episode page
April 19, 2021

What do you recommend for Book funnels in terms of advertising? Any m…

What do you recommend for Book funnels in terms of advertising? Alright. Specifically referencing my Intent Based Branding methodology. And so I will give that answer regardless of methodology. So if the objective of the campaign is to sell a …

Episode page
April 16, 2021

How do you accurately categorize and elevate the appropriate price fo…

As I pivot more from the services side or the agency side to the coaching stuff, just curious your thoughts on how to accurately categorize the appropriate price of that in my head and how to continue to elevate that. …

Episode page
April 14, 2021

Frank, how do you script your videos? - Frank Kern Greatest Hit

The question is how do you script your videos? And the answer is I personally don't script my videos, but I do have a framework...

Episode page
April 12, 2021

How do you create whale bait to add new upper-level prospects to your…

I know the types of people that I was attracting before aren't going to be the ones that work with me at the level that I do, these new ones. And so it begs the question, how do I get …

Episode page
April 9, 2021

What to do if the ads are not working - Frank Kern Greatest Hit

He's running some ads and he's not getting any sales. And to that I reply, welcome, sir, to the club. And so I don't really understand the question. It says is it only sales conversion that count? Or should I …

Episode page
April 7, 2021

If you were starting a social media agency from square one and didn't…

Very simple. It would be to get them on the phone, give them a proposal and see if they wanted to become a client. Everybody's got testimonials, you know. I don't really think it matters.

Episode page
April 5, 2021

Is High End Continuity still a significant part of your business mode…

Is high-end continuity still a significant part of your business model? No, high-end continuity isn't and it never really has been. By high-end, I'm assuming you mean multi-thousand dollar consulting engagements...

Episode page
April 2, 2021

What are your takeaways from creating your "perfect lifestyle" first …

I think you went through either yours or a version of the perfect day experience where in a perfect day, this is what life would look like. Do you remember that day?

Episode page
March 31, 2021

Have you worked with clients from Europe who sold their products/serv…

Have I worked with clients from Europe who sold their products/services to US customers? And is it more difficult for Europeans to sell on the US market? Yes I have, and the answer is no.

Episode page
March 29, 2021

Is SEO dead? How much should I worry about it for a blog/biz website?…

Here's a pretty good question. Is SEO dead? How much should I worry about it for a blog/biz website? Well, I'll give you my answer with a disclaimer.

Episode page
March 26, 2021

You understand human behavior, positioning and dynamics. How do uncon…

One thing I've really appreciated about you over the years has been obviously, you know, you're one of the most intelligent marketers out there, but something about understanding human behavior, positioning and dynamics. So for example, however many...

Episode page
March 24, 2021

Do you think there's any connection between the MK-Ultra experiments …

Do you think there's any connection between the MK-Ultra experiments and modern marketing methods, especially the ones that have a background in NLP. Okay. Number one, I don't know...

Episode page
March 22, 2021

HEALTH SCARE reveals marketing secret - Frank Kern Greatest Hit

We're recording this for you in this little wooden room of the California place where we are staying for the next couple of weeks, here in the summer, and just had the craziest health thing happen...

Episode page
March 19, 2021

The Oldest Trick In The Book – Marketing Lessons From A Saint

This morning, I read a pretty powerful marketing lesson written by a Saint. I'm pretty sure he didn't intend for it to be a marketing lesson, but it's a good marketing lesson nonetheless. The Saint's name is Nikolaj Velimirović and …

Episode page
March 17, 2021

A Huge Mistake That’s Costing You Money

Things are without question rarely as they seem. So here's what that means... As marketers, it's very, very easy for us to make assumptions about our prospects based on our own personal experience or what we observe in our immediate …

Episode page
March 15, 2021

PROOF that you can do ANYTHING online

I think I'm going to name this episode PROOF that you can do ANYTHING online. Of course there's a caveat to that. I don't literally mean anything, but in business, online especially, we sure do have a lot fewer limitations …

Episode page