
Jan. 15, 2021

What courses of yours are a good fit for a very advanced, well-establ…

What courses of yours are a good fit for a very advanced, well-established internet marketer? Really depends on the desired outcome. I consider myself to be a very advanced, well-established internet marketer, and what I always go back to is …

Episode page
Jan. 13, 2021

How do you inspire yourself to create content?

How do you inspire yourself to create content? Dude. It's fun! So, this is like...this, debauchery and food, and, you know, inappropriate things to talk about on a livestream that all other dudes think about it. This is the only …

Episode page
Jan. 11, 2021

You’ve lost everything and you’re starting from scratch. Your goal is…

Here's the question I get all the time... You've lost everything and you're starting from scratch. Your goal is to make $100K as quickly as possible. You've got $10K to your name. How would you do it? Alright. I would, …

Episode page
Jan. 8, 2021

How do you inspire to create new stuff and trainings for your clients…

He says, how do you inspire to create new stuff and trainings for your clients without modeling the new guy, modeling the new guy? Dude, I don't care what the new guys are doing. I care about what I learned …

Episode page
Jan. 6, 2021

What's it cost to get a qualified application filled out?

What do you think it would cost on average to get an application filled out, if I were to use intent-based branding? I know it's a difficult question, cheers. So the real question is, and I'm translating again...Hey man, I'm …

Episode page
Jan. 4, 2021

Apple and Facebook aren't getting along right now, what does that mea…

The question is, with iOS 14 blocking so many things, is it going to make stuff break? Now he's specifically referencing, is intent-based branding going to be changed? That's a method of getting attention and then retargeting people, and if …

Episode page
Jan. 1, 2021

What are people buying online today? Online courses? White papers? Ju…

Jason asks what are people buying online today? And then the question goes a little deeper...is it online courses, white papers? Just curious what the hot products are right now. The short answer to that is everything.

Episode page
Dec. 30, 2020

Is High-End Continuity still a significant part of your business mode…

Is high-end continuity still a significant part of your business model? No, high-end continuity isn't and it never really has been. By high-end, I'm assuming you mean multi-thousand dollar consulting engagements...

Episode page
Dec. 28, 2020

What was the SINGLE biggest obstacle overcame to get where you are to…

What was the single biggest obstacle I overcame to get where I am today? That's a serious question. There are a lot of them, so I'll just tell you all the dumb stuff that I do. And then I'll let …

Episode page
Dec. 25, 2020

An Uncomfortable Confession

Hello everyone. Frank Kern here. I hope you're doing well. I'm recording this for you front of the fire once again, in my little office. It's about seven in the morning, beautiful morning here, and now to live up to …

Episode page
Dec. 23, 2020

The Best Productivity System Ever

I guess it all stems from the feeling that so many of us have, sometimes myself included, that we're just not doing enough. I'm hoping I can be of service to you today and help you with that and help …

Episode page
Dec. 21, 2020

The Three Most Important Things To Do Every Day

You're looking for ideas on how to make your business work a little bit better, so let's talk about that. I got three things for you. I think if you'll do these three things every day, then you'll probably make …

Episode page
Dec. 18, 2020

Most Successful Promo Ever? (Part 2)

There's something I forgot to mention to you, which is how absolutely horrible the sales page is. Seriously, look at it...

Episode page
Dec. 17, 2020

Most Successful Promo Ever? (Part 1)

Want to update you on just a crazy thing that happened over Thanksgiving, and a couple of lessons to it. So decided to get on the bandwagon and see if this whole Black Friday thing was what it was cut …

Episode page
Dec. 16, 2020

Why Marketing Quit Working (And What To Do Instead)

We're going to talk about the fact that marketing as we know it has gotten way less effective and what we can do about it, and how to remedy this problem. In other words, how to make marketing stuff work …

Episode page
Dec. 15, 2020

2 Ad Sets Got 100X Return on Ad Spend (Which is Just Ridiculous)

First thing I want to point is that is not really normal. A little bit of a fluke there, doesn't happen every day. Just happened to have 2 of them do that yesterday, which was great! So when I put …

Episode page
Dec. 14, 2020

Frank Got Really Lucky

It's not like it happens every day. It's not like the whole campaign was a 100X return on ad spend and it's not like that is happening at scale. It still looked cool though! So that's pretty good and I've …

Episode page
Dec. 11, 2020

Using your case study, what's that high level thinking that you use f…

Really my question is wrapped around the case study that you used in the direct presentation that you used to get us into this class where day one was the $1.80 ad spend and then eventually you showed the 30 …

Episode page
Dec. 10, 2020

Using a video sales letter or a webinar, what's the best way to track…

I just had a quick question about using a video sales letter or webinar. Let's say I put it on my thank you page for my lead magnet, so someone comes in, they opt in. They go to the thank …

Episode page
Dec. 9, 2020

How do you get past the Facebook regulations and still make an emotio…

If there was a quick tip that you would give people about the promise or about making the offer, or whether they need to twist the pain, and in particular, how you get past the Facebook regulations and still make …

Episode page
Dec. 8, 2020

In three years, running Facebook ads has changed a lot, and here you …

So I'm just thinking, like three years ago, with the inner circle and everything, you had all these Facebook consultants and agencies and it was a huge drama to run Facebook ads, but you always had a team to do …

Episode page
Dec. 7, 2020

In building a virtual sales team, what can we expect from those bonus…

You mentioned an agency model and building a virtual sales team, so he wants to know what he can expect from those bonuses. Yeah, so the virtual sales team, here's how ours works and here's what I'm going to show …

Episode page
Dec. 4, 2020

How would you make an ad for "the low-hanging fruit?"

One more question. A friend of mine asked me to help with an ad for a water purification system he sells, but this will be very hard to try to get leads for that. So the lowest hanging fruit is …

Episode page
Dec. 3, 2020

What is the best way to create a segmentation/target on Facebook for …

My question is...I am doing web design, you know, landing page on websites, so I was wondering what is the best way to create a segmentation on Facebook for that? To create a segmentation? By segmentation, do you mean target?

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