First thing I want to point is that is not really normal. A little bit of a fluke there, doesn't happen every day. Just happened to have 2 of them do that yesterday, which was great! So when I put …
So he had a question about his lead quality. His audience is executives and entrepreneurs. He said in the past, he kept getting unqualified leads from Facebook. He was wondering, are they active on Facebook or does he need to …
So today's episode is about one magic question that can change everything. I really crack myself up with these titles sometimes, but there's really some validity to the statement. I promise. So, I'll reveal the magic question in a minute. …
What's happening, hope you're well. So what we're going to talk about today is the one thing that beats motivation, hands down, every single time. Personally, love motivational stuff. Love it. Huge fan, like reading it, like listening to it. …
Have you ever heard of that book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod? I listened to that a couple of years ago on audio book, and I can't remember exactly what it said, but I'm mentioning the book because probably some …
Hope everybody's well. Happy whatever today it is...Saturday. I want to answer a question that was on my mind. It's been on a lot of people's mind, what's the deal with this Clubhouse thing, is it worth messing with? There's …
He says, how do you inspire to create new stuff and trainings for your clients without modeling the new guy, modeling the new guy? Dude, I don't care what the new guys are doing. I care about what I learned …
When would you use campaign budget versus ad set budget? Later...
What's happening y'all? This is an honest to God, real live actual planned podcast episode. So let's dig right on into it. I got a question, a good question, the other day. I forgot who asked me so I can't …
So you lead with the lead magnet and you have to email them, obviously. Do you just email them both the lead magnet and a link to the VSL? Or do you have any recommendations on the first email you …
How do you inspire yourself to create content? Dude. It's fun! So, this is like...this, debauchery and food, and, you know, inappropriate things to talk about on a livestream that all other dudes think about it. This is the only …
I had some problems with the ad approval. I'm selling mortgage and basically I'm trying to base my ad upon the refinancing of the mortgage. So I would like to ask you for some advice, for my copy, so it …
Let's get to work. OK, try to do these every day. Share some new insights. Some picking up along the way. Crazy thing happened on Clubhouse yesterday, which is increasingly addicting, by the way. Who knows what will happen with …
One more question. A friend of mine asked me to help with an ad for a water purification system he sells, but this will be very hard to try to get leads for that. So the lowest hanging fruit is …
I'm getting a good quantity of leads, but they are not scheduling consults or calling or emailing at the rate that I would like. So my question is what's the number one thing I should do next? OK. What's the …
So my niche is a sub-niche, it's dreadlocks, which is a sub-niche of natural hair. And so if I were targeting natural hair, there are lots of influencers and products and brands that I could target, but not so much, …
Let's talk about money goals. They say you're supposed to have 'em and they say you're supposed to set financial targets. I got to tell you, I'm not sure I agree. I mean, to some degree, obviously it's a pretty …
He had, from April to July, his best roll on Facebook ads. He had 13x return on ad spend, and then he screwed up. He had to set up all of the business into another account. His cost per lead …
There's something I forgot to mention to you, which is how absolutely horrible the sales page is. Seriously, look at it...
A lot of people are curious about the in-between...they publish their ads, what should they be doing for the next three days? Just while they're waiting for the ads? Any recommendations?
Let's talk about one of the most powerful, mass-influence methods ever. I wanted to say weapons, but that just sounds weird. I don't want to weaponize this kind of thing. You know, technique, strategy, tactic, how 'bout that? Anyway, before …
Here is some of Frank's best advice on "how to write good."
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What does Copy have to do with Frank's revenge?